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The P
Peloton with a Milram guy in the picture

Date: 13-02-2009
Added by: CrueTrue
Dimensions: 1280 x 960 pixels
Filesize: 264.7kB
Comments: 16
Rating: *****
Number of views: 9620
#1 | alexkr00 on 13. February 2009 15:59
at least I see one texture per riderPfft and probably new energy levels sistemWink
#2 | Inferio on 13. February 2009 17:40
Difference between 07 and 08 was much bigger than difference between 08 and 09...And I tnihk, tahat the energy levels system is the same as in last editiom...

But the news presented in the text on official web of Cyanide sounds very good...
#3 | Maximka on 14. February 2009 10:40
Oh no, only two different manufactures for all the teams again! Sucks!
#4 | krzychu92 on 14. February 2009 11:17
OMG I see Tinkoff shirt...
#5 | Wiggo on 14. February 2009 12:12
It's just an early screen.
#6 | Deadpool on 16. February 2009 18:00
Yeah, from the interview with the Cyanide CEO it appears that 09 will not be that much of a jump, but '10 will be
#7 | ZIRH on 17. February 2009 16:51
they really need to add more bikes and stuff!
#8 | Halvor on 19. February 2009 10:28
Wow look at the Milram jersey... Pfft The shorts.
#9 | Billy Boy on 23. February 2009 15:59
Nice with team socks and shoes, though not good that the milram rider is using Saunier duval socks and shoes Smile
#10 | doddy13 on 03. March 2009 21:19
i see a KOM banner at the top of the climb.
#11 | SotD on 04. March 2009 11:24
Not much change unfortunately... Hopefully the gameplay will make up for it...
#12 | Guido Mukk on 08. March 2009 17:09
Numbers great..need to add daily frames and helmets.. Conclusion..I will buy this game even this year
#13 | lagetcher on 08. March 2009 20:10
Just a small thing, but I wonder why the camera angle, race speed and music icons were moved downwards. I would have thought they are more in the way of the action; in the top right corner they are less prominent. Having said that it makes hardly any difference.
#14 | doddy13 on 31. March 2009 22:54
your right to say that. I agree
#15 | Polkadott on 16. May 2009 13:05
Nice Shot
#16 | borisdehaes on 05. February 2011 17:23
haha, you can even see the 'vermarc' sign on the milram shorts. strange to think it's only 500 meters from my home Smile
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