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Photo Albums > PCM06: Funny screenshots > Cofidis will win! First photo Previous Photo Next Photo Last photo
Cofidis will win!
Yes, we know it's easy to make a picture look like that - but it's still quite funny ;)

Date: 29-11-2006
Added by: CrueTrue
Dimensions: 800 x 600 pixels
Filesize: 430.06kB
Comments: 20
Rating: *****
Number of views: 11401
#1 | Sinkewitz on 29. November 2006 18:33
empty the cache foulder please
#2 | kida on 30. November 2006 19:57
and Cofidis still didn't win the stage
#3 | olli on 13. February 2007 17:06
How you do this?
#4 | Heitmann on 21. February 2007 19:18
It's because he hasn't released the Cache folder ..
#5 | Smoothie on 09. June 2007 08:15
Its a cloning machine!
#6 | lance_armstrong on 01. July 2007 23:55
I'm not sure if Cofidis will win... maybe it will be his evil twin brother Smile
#7 | SportingNonsense on 26. July 2007 09:04
Cofidis won't win! Theyll be withdrawn for having a doped rider.
#8 | Smoothie on 12. August 2007 13:24
There will be no one in the race then Smile
#9 | Waghlon on 02. September 2007 20:37
I bet on some sort of tactics
#10 | Halvor on 06. February 2008 13:25
training camp Pfft
#11 | Deadpool on 09. March 2008 16:23
Is this a WC, your riding with the Ukranian team, and Piepoli is listed as riding for Italia?

If so, what is the stage, the WC looks nothing like this?
#12 | Addy291 on 13. April 2008 16:29
Could be the Nations DB
#13 | thex on 06. June 2008 22:13
can't be the wc because piepoli 110e
#14 | Wiggo on 04. August 2008 13:01
Yeah and look at the profile.
#15 | coureurkeg on 05. April 2009 20:53
my opinion: whole the pack will go down in the last decent and i put on a cofidis shirt and drive over the line alone Smile
#16 | Wiggo on 06. April 2009 11:01
not funny.
#17 | Christer on 29. April 2009 23:14
I bet that the third from the middle won!
#18 | andy222c on 14. March 2010 14:33
wow Shock
#19 | supradyn on 15. September 2010 18:51
Where is Moncoutie?
#20 | YvesStevens on 26. August 2011 09:08
xD cofidis new name is Italia
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