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Photo Albums > PCM 08: Beautiful Screenshots > Flash back of Mapei's Paris-Roubaix First photo Previous Photo Next Photo Last photo
Flash back of Mapei's Paris-Roubaix
Toyato united cycling team dominates Australian Championship
1-2-3 and also 10-11

Date: 12-09-2008
Added by: yvesjeurissen
Dimensions: 1024 x 768 pixels
Filesize: 142.29kB
Comments: 13
Rating: ****
Number of views: 7186
#1 | alexkr00 on 14. September 2008 14:25
i wonder who won the teams classment:lol:
#2 | Smoothie on 16. September 2008 21:08
lol Pfft Easiet race to win.
#3 | Halvor on 05. November 2008 21:27
alexkr00 said:
i wonder who won the teams classment:lol:

SouthAustralia Wink
#4 | valverde300602 on 02. December 2008 20:26
I made 1-2-3-4-6-7 with Drapac Porsche! It's the easiest race..
#5 | Christer on 11. December 2008 18:57
Valv3k02: What about fifth place? O.o
#6 | valverde300602 on 16. January 2009 14:39
It was O'Grady who caught two of my guys..
#7 | ringo182 on 16. February 2009 12:21
i agree it's easy. none of the teams are big enough to chase back the breaks. if you get a big lead then it's quite easy to stay away. i once won it with Lancaster as the only Milram rider. just sit in the break and attack near the end.
#8 | Johan92 on 20. May 2009 17:54
I once got 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 in Giro d'Italia
#9 | kirosha on 07. July 2009 19:25
#10 | mickydezot on 12. May 2011 16:51
#11 | tehMalone on 12. June 2011 17:31
I remember I got 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 in the TdF GC in CyM4 or PCM05. I had probably 8 of the top 12 best GC riders on my team, and my budget was dependent on me winning every race in the calenderPfft But when you have the 4 best sprinters, and five best Gc'ers, save Armstrong, you can get close. The trick is to get Cipollini to lead the pack, so the rest of the team can get an hours lead, before Armstrong starts attacking. 100 riders fell for the time limit as well
#12 | Daggen on 25. January 2013 20:59
Op op opplan gangnam style
#13 | Paigeakutz on 22. August 2019 10:08
There was a picture that was available at this article it was about the new computer game that was going to launch. I have to get some of the formats that were on customwritings.com reviews this have the all formats on this that was able to read on all partition that was good.
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