This guide will show you how you can manage a team with unlimited money in the Custom Team-mode introduced in PCM2009.
The first thing you need is a small program called "ArtMoney". It's a program widely used by game-cheaters - just like us - and I happen to have used it for a lot of my games.  Artmoney can be downloaded from this page (download the latest freeware-version):
After downloading and installing Artmoney, launch both Pro Cycling Manager 2009 and ArtMoney. I'd recommend configuring PCM to run in windowed mode, just to easily switch focus from ArtMoney to PCM, as you are probably gonna do it some times. Also configure PCM to use € (euros) as the game currency as long as you change the budget, as that's what the memory behind PCM uses. Feel free to change the currency to whatever you like after completing the guide.
Now, start a new single-player game in careermode. When you get to this screen, I'd suggest you set the "Orientation of custom team" to 0%. This will give you the maximum achievable scouting reports (20) when choosing young riders, and give you a very low budget of 50,000€ (which we are gonna change in some few minutes):

Click next to advance to the team selection-page. Click at the "Custom team" button placed in the right bottom of the screen to create your own team.
You will then be sent to the rider-selection page, and we are now gonna use ArtMoney. Look at your team budget in the upper right corner and remember the value (i.e. 50,000):

Now minimize PCM and go to ArtMoney, and select "Pro Cycling Manager 2009" in the "Select process"-dropdown menu. Click on the "Search"-button. Set the "Search"-field to "Excact value", tab to the "Value field" and set it to the budget you saw ingame (50000 in this example). At Type you click on the small button next to the field. This will open up a box, asking for which values to search for. After my experience, the budget is a 4-byte Integer, so make the box look like this, and click "OK":

Back in the search-form, set the "Address range" to "ALL". Your window should now look similar to this (click on the image for fullsize version):

Click "OK" to begin searching. The program now searches for the value in the game-memory, and returns the found instances. It might take some seconds. When it has finished searching, you will get some adresses (In this example I got seven, but your result may differ. Hope for few results, as it means less work for you), which probably makes no sense to you, but one of those holds the value of your budget.
Warning: There's a chance your game might crash during the following instructions. However it is not very likely to do any damage to your game. If it crashes, just launch it again and start this guide all over.
Click on the fat green arrow to add the found adresses to our working table. You will now see all the adresses in your working table. Start editing the value of the first one to the budget you would like to have (i.e. 10,000,000 - without the commas). After typing in the value at the first found address, hit enter and maximize up your PCM. Add or remove a rider from your team, and look, if the maximum budget in the upper right corner changes (not the one before the slash, but the one after). If it does, you've made a hole in one, if it doesn't, minimize PCM again and maximize ArtMoney. Set the first address back to it's original value, and go to the next address. Do the excact same thing , until you've found the right address (remember to add/remove a rider ingame, otherwise the budget won't update in the game).
When you've found the right address, you can either choose to close ArtMoney and finish creating your team ingame, or go back to ArtMoney and change the budget in the address, if you've changed your mind during this.
Have fun with your career! |