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Lachi's Editor V0.6
28. February 2011 21:22 from CrueTrue
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Downloads: 10060
Copyright: Lachi
Homepage: Link
A database editor, making it possible to edit the same tables as the Full Editor/Advanced Editor. Comes with a few extra features, though. For example, Lachi's Editor handles save games much better (= faster).

Quick access to the most important tables.

Automatic filter to see only data of your own team

Column header tooltip shows the full column name if it gets truncated because the column is too small.

Customizable Layouts: You can change the column order and column width. These settings will be saved and restored anytime you open the table again. Also there is a interface to move and resize the columns more easily.

Multiple sorting: Hold CTRL while clicking the column headers. The sorting will be in the order of the clicks. To change to sorting order of a column just click the header again.

Grouping of column values: For example you could group the cyclists by birth year. If you click on the thin line above the column headers you can drag the "button" of the desired column into the empty space.

Almost all tables are linked: Ex.: If you open STA_race you can see all linked stage in STA_stage. Also you cannot enter a number in fkIDrace in STA_stage which does not exist in STA_race.

Awesome! 100% 58% [20 Votes]
Very Good 5% 2% [1 Votes]
Good 10% 5% [2 Votes]
Average 10% 5% [2 Votes]
Poor 45% 26% [9 Votes]
vandergeil on 06-08-2010

when are there going to be an editor that makes it possible to give teams than your own team some better finance? that was possible before the patches and databases

vandergeil on 06-08-2010


CrueTrue on 06-08-2010

It hasn't been possible since PCM08.

Pazflor on 07-08-2010

Fool Editor sounds much better. :lol:

Lachi on 07-08-2010

You are allowed to rename it, just edit the language file.

canojuancho on 08-08-2010

help me please:

I'm creating a new cyclist and i put him into Liquigas (id = 5), i save the db, but when im going to export to cdb an error ocurred, it says that it cant convert a DBNull value into....

and dont let me save the changes and create the new one db

what am i doing wrong? or please, where is a tutorial?

thanks for help me

canojuancho on 08-08-2010

that was the error report:

----An error occured----
No se puede convertir un objeto DBNull en otros tipos.

en System.DBNull.System.IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider)
en System.Convert.ToInt16(Object value)
en FoolEditor.DBLoader.ExportDatabase(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
en System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(Object argument)

Lachi on 08-08-2010

Your problem is beyond my tool.

Tutorial, how to edit databases:
- Just fill all columns with an approriate value.

canojuancho on 08-08-2010

you dont help much, im fill all columns with approriate value, but when im going to save and export it show me that error Sad thanks anyway

vandergeil on 08-08-2010

cruetrue: i have been doing it before the patches came, and when i gave team money in dyn_team and they suddenly got much better riders i think its a clear sign that the finance i gave them helped. I also did it in pcm 09



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