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PCM.daily » Pro Cycling Manager 2006-2020 » Pro Cycling Manager 2009
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PCM.daily's 2010 DB: F.A.Q.
If it crashes during stages, there are no problems with the DB. The graphic settings are just too high / the stage too detailed.
Thanku you very much, CrueTrue!
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Posted on 10-02-2025 03:47
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hay all.... great db as allways, makes a lot of fun again Smile

i have 3 question, would be great if anybody could help (clean pcm09 + patch + pcmdailydb 2010)

1) some flags are not working (pink box), i remember i had that before, but i do not remember if i could solve that

2) the scouting zones are messed up (shows weird spots and maps) and pcm crashes when i try to click them

are those 2 problems due to wrong installation ?

3) concerning the problems many seem to have: pcm crashes on high settings: does anybody know how far i have to lower the settings to be fine? do i also have to lower the resolution?

thanks a lot guys!!
Edited by ceky on 05-04-2011 10:55
All three questions are answered in the FAQ (in this thread, 1st post).
Edited by CrueTrue on 05-04-2011 10:59
sorry bout that, i should have looked into the faq :/

concerning the settings it would be great to get a reference what is working and from which settings on pcm tends to exceed 1,8gb ram and crashes. of course this can just be a guideline but still it would help and save some time testing (and crashing) pcm.
Is it always the same stages for the giro, tour and vuelta?
igres86 wrote:
Please I need help. I read the FAQ's and I got a problem.
When I'm starting a new season suddenly in the pc appears:

" Runtime error! The application has requested the runtime to terminate it in unusual way"

This message appears in short time, not more than 5 minutes since I started the season.

I don't know what to do. I'll expect your answer. Thanks.
Great job crue true. Excellent DB.

I get the same problem when ever I try and use this db. I have re-installed, re-downloaded with download manager, re-installed the game and tried a number of save games.

Is there a fix?
Brian1zvx wrote:
I get the same problem when ever I try and use this db. I have re-installed, re-downloaded with download manager, re-installed the game and tried a number of save games.

Is there a fix?

When does the game crash?
lluuiiggii wrote:
Brian1zvx wrote:
I get the same problem when ever I try and use this db. I have re-installed, re-downloaded with download manager, re-installed the game and tried a number of save games.

Is there a fix?

When does the game crash?

within 5-15 mins of starting the career, I don't have to click anything, it just says what I quoted above and the game closes.
So you start a career, and if you not touch the computer anymore it'll crash soon (5-15 mins)?
lluuiiggii wrote:
So you start a career, and if you not touch the computer anymore it'll crash soon (5-15 mins)?

Yeh, I get the runtime error, then a crash dump, and the game has to be closed. Exactly what the other guy said.
I'm in second year of my career, on May 18, 2011, the game closes a stage in the Tour Of California. I tried to simulate, but to no avail. Can anyone help me?
Crashes in 3D? Have you tried lowering the graphics settings?
lluuiiggii wrote:
Crashes in 3D? Have you tried lowering the graphics settings?

Yes. But the game still crashes in the loading screen
Edited by garmstrong on 08-04-2012 04:42
Delete the stage, copy another one and give it the same name as the deleted one.
CrueTrue wrote:
Delete the stage, copy another one and give it the same name as the deleted one.

I try this, but the game still crashes in the loading screen, in Optimize.
Well, then I don't believe that you have lowered the settings to a minimum.
Brian1zvx wrote:
lluuiiggii wrote:
Brian1zvx wrote:
I get the same problem when ever I try and use this db. I have re-installed, re-downloaded with download manager, re-installed the game and tried a number of save games.

Is there a fix?

When does the game crash?

within 5-15 mins of starting the career, I don't have to click anything, it just says what I quoted above and the game closes.

Me too any solution?
Good morning,
I installed DB and has each time I wants to make a detection with my scouts, and definitely game am stopped and come back to the office. What is Problem?

Thank you.
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